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Build a bright future for the orphans of Bangladesh
Any donation above $2 is 100% tax deductible!
Any donation above $2 is 100% tax deductible!
Secure & encrypted donations
Our orphanage provides a home to many vulnerable children who have lost their families due to poverty, illness, or other circumstances. With your support, we can help provide them with essential resources, such as nutritious meals, clean water, medical care, and education. Your donations can help us to provide a stable and secure environment, allowing these children to grow and develop to their full potential. By contributing to our efforts, you can make a difference in the lives of these children and help them to build a brighter future. Thank you for considering how you can support our cause.
Your donations reach the poor in FULL, no hidden fees.
As part of our promise, we do not take or charge any admin fee.
It’s important for us to protect your personal information.
We offer complete transparency in everything we do.
This option includes all items in a food pack + Hygiene pack
A better way to give, track, and manage your donations—all in one place.