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Any donation above $2 is 100% tax deductible!
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The heart-wrenching story of Syrian refugees can not be ignored. These are men, women & children who have been forced from their homes, often with nothing but the clothes on their backs, and have had to flee to other countries in search of hope & safety.
The situation is tough for women and children, who comprise most refugees. During Covid-19, the unhygienic conditions in the camps put refugees at a higher risk of contracting the virus.
Turkey now hosts the largest refugee population in the world with more than 3.6 million registered Syrian refugees in camps.
Merciful Group is on the grounds in the Syrian refugee camps within Turkey helping with all basic necessities such as Food Packs, Hot meals, Winter Clothes, Blankets & Firewood during the intense winter days.
These people need our help. We must pay attention to the situation of these refugees and do what we can to help them.
Your donations reach the poor in FULL, no hidden fees.
As part of our promise, we do not take or charge any admin fee.
It’s important for us to protect your personal information.
We offer complete transparency in everything we do.
This option includes all items in a food pack + Hygiene pack
A better way to give, track, and manage your donations—all in one place.