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Part of being grateful to Allah is giving thanks to Him by means of sacrifice rituals, which means offering a sacrifice for the sake of Allah.
Aqeeqah refers to the sacrifice that is offered on behalf of the newborn on the seventh day after birth. There are saheeh ahadeeth from the Prophet ﷺ which prove that aqeeqah is prescribed in Islam.
It is prescribed to slaughter two sheep for a newborn boy and one sheep for a girl, as is indicated by the saheeh evidence, the best time for offering the aqeeqah is seven days after birth.
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It is the sacrifice which is performed on the day of eid al udha by sacrificing a camel or cow or sheep.
It is a highly recommended sunna ,if one does not perform while they’re capable of doing so it is disliked.
It is allowed as long as the loaner is not asking for his money at the same time , in that case paying the debt is preferred.
The slaughtering of the udhiya is preferred.
No, Udhiya must be either camel, cow, or sheep.
If a person wishes to sacrifice or have one done on their behalf then it’s forbidden for them to remove any hair or clip any nails from the beginning of dhul hijah ( The last day of dhul qihda maghreb time) until the udhiya has been sacrificed on eid.
It begins after the salat of eid until the the 3rd day of eid ( 13 day of dhul hijah).
The sunna is to consume a third of it, to gift a third of it, and give the remaining third as charity. Or give it all for charity.
It is better to be done on behalf of the living.
If it’s done out of ignorance or forgetfulness then there’s no problem.
Also If it’s done out of necessity there is no problem.
If someone does it knowing that it’s forbidden to do so during the First 10 days of dhul hijah then repents to Allah then there is no problem with this.
If people wish to put their money together to purchase a sacrifice it is allowed with conditions.
As for the sheep it can only be purchased by one person.
A person can have the intention of receiving the reward for them self and family , as the prophet pbuh used to say before slaughtering:
بسم الله ، اللهم هذا عني و عن أمتي
Bismallah, oh Allah this on behalf me and my nation.
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