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Any donation above $2 is 100% tax deductible!
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100% Donation Policy
Any donation above $2 is 100% tax deductible!
Secure & encrypted donations
The current economic situation in Sri Lanka is dire. The cost of living has soared, and people struggle to afford necessities. Food prices have increased by a major 75.8%, and fuel prices have gone up by 51.2%. The Sri Lankan rupee has also lost value, making imported goods more expensive.
Poor economic management, Covid-19’s impact on tourism, and deadly bomb attacks have contributed to Sri Lanka’s current financial situation. It is a country without money to pay its debts, import goods, or support its citizens.
Every little bit helps. Donations will go towards supporting the people or Sri Lanka with all the Essentials such as Food Packs, Hot Meals, Water, Medical, Sponsorships & Education.
Your donations reach the poor in FULL, no hidden fees.
As part of our promise, we do not take or charge any admin fee.
It’s important for us to protect your personal information.
We offer complete transparency in everything we do.
This option includes all items in a food pack + Hygiene pack
A better way to give, track, and manage your donations—all in one place.