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Any donation above $2 is 100% tax deductible!
Please note this is a delivery donation
$10 delivery fee
Any donation above $2 is 100% tax deductible!
Please note this is a delivery donation
$10 delivery fee
Any donation above $2 is 100% tax deductible!
The situation in Lebanon is only getting worse, especially the economic and financial crisis. Donate Food Packs with Merciful Group, and our team will get it delivered to your family anywhere in Lebanon.
Please note that contact details and address in Lebanon are required.
Please note the estimate time for the food pack to be delivered to your family in Lebanon is up to 7 days. Pick up option is also available from our team in Lebanon.
Delivery to Beirut may take longer than usual due the fuel shortage and checkpoint problems, we have stopped delivering to South of Lebanon however pick up is available.
Please note that contact details and address in Lebanon are required.
+10$ Delivery fee
includes all regular items in a food pack.
+10$ Delivery fee
includes all regular items in a food pack + 1 kg of Meat and 1 Chicken
+10$ Delivery fee
includes all regular items in a food pack + Hygiene Pack + 1 kg of Meat and 1 Chicken.
Option 1: this food pack includes all regular items in the pack only
Option 2: this food pack includes all regular items in the pack + 1 kg of Meat + 1 whole Chicken
Option 3: this food pack includes all regular items in the pack + 1 kg of Meat + 1 whole Chicken + Hygiene pack
This option includes all items in a food pack
This option includes all items in a food pack + 1 kg of Meat + 1 Chicken
This option includes all items in a food pack + 1 kg of Meat + 1 Chicken + Hygiene pack
This option includes all items in a food pack + Hygiene pack
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