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Please note this is a sadaqah donation
Any donation above $2 is 100% tax deductible!
Please note this is a sadaqah donation
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The situation in Lebanon is only getting worse, especially the economic and financial crisis. Donate Food Packs with Merciful Group, and our team will distribute it to the most needy families in Lebanon.
Please note this is a Sadaqah donation.
If you’d like to deliver your donation to your family in Lebanon, please click the button below
Check what each option includes by clicking “What’s included” button
includes all regular items in a food pack + 1 kg of Meat and 1 Chicken
includes all regular items in a food pack + Hygiene Pack + 1 kg of Meat and 1 Chicken.
This option includes all regular items in a food pack + Hygiene Pack
Option 1: this food pack includes all regular items in the pack only
Option 2: this food pack includes all regular items in the pack + 1 kg of Meat + 1 whole Chicken
Option 3: this food pack includes all regular items in the pack + 1 kg of Meat + 1 whole Chicken + Hygiene pack
Option 4: this food pack includes all regular items in the pack + Hygiene pack
This option includes all items in a food pack
This option includes all items in a food pack + 1 kg of Meat + 1 Chicken
This option includes all items in a food pack + 1 kg of Meat + 1 Chicken + Hygiene pack
This option includes all items in a food pack + Hygiene pack
A better way to give, track, and manage your donations—all in one place.