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Any donation above $2 is 100% tax deductible!
This is an automated donation. Your nominated card will be charged automatically every day for the last 10 nights of Ramadan.
One of the last 10 nights of Ramadan is Laylatul Qadr, the Night of Power. This is a night of great significance in Islam.
The rewards of worship and charitable giving on this night are believed to be equivalent to those of a thousand months of worship. That’s more than 83 years of continuous devotion!
By automating your donation during the last 10 nights of Ramadan, you increase your chances of donating on Laylatul Qadr. Even if you’re unsure which night it falls on, automating your donation for all 10 nights ensures that you won’t miss the opportunity to donate on this blessed night.
Your donations reach the poor in FULL, no hidden fees.
As part of our promise, we do not take or charge any admin fee.
It’s important for us to protect your personal information.
We offer complete transparency in everything we do.
This option includes all items in a food pack + Hygiene pack
A better way to give, track, and manage your donations—all in one place.