Merciful Group

Read our story, statistics and what our teams been doing for the past years

Not for Profit, Registered Australian Charity

Helping Each other for the sake of Allah (swt)

Merciful Group was founded by Rabih Chamma in 2017. Merciful Group was established to provide a bridge between humanity in need and those who can help. They provide assistance to refugees, orphans and the destitute, and also accept Zakat al-mal.

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Food Packs Distributed

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People Helped in 2020

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Funds Collected

Read our story

As the Rohingya crisis started, Rabih and several volunteers travelled to Rohingya where they experienced it all firsthand. There they witnessed the Rohingya Muslims crossing the borders as refugees with little to no food and water, and this is when they started their first campaign. Rabih Chamma and the volunteers raised money to provide them with food and shelter.

The first children’s playground in Myanmar was built for the Rohingya refugees as well as mosques, water wells, and shelters. Whilst the Merciful Group team were aiding the Rohingya refugees they saw a huge need within the Bangladeshi Muslim community and started supporting locals by building houses, shelters and providing them with food packs.

From there they went on to establish Merciful Group as a non-for-profit organisation, to help our Muslim brothers and sisters around the world. They would evaluate what each deprived Muslim community needed and put together all they could as volunteers to provide food, water, shelter, and medical aid.
Merciful Group started working in Syria in 2018 with their first campaign being the Ghouta campaign. Merciful Group was one of the few charities that were able to deliver aid to Ghouta and surrounding areas. By the will of Allah, they have now built many orphanages and schools inside Syria in partnership with other charities such as UK based charity, Muslims in Need.

Merciful Group has provided aid to Syrian refugees in Turkey & Lebanon who have fled their country in search of hope. During Ramadan 2020, we provided daily hot meals to over 500 Syrian refugees in refugee camps in Turkey.

From 2018, Merciful Group delivered hot meals daily during Ramadan in Gaza, Uganda, Turkey (Syrian Refugees), Yemen and Sri Lanka and by the end of 2018 they were able to start other appeals throughout those countries including winter aid, food aid, and orphan sponsorship appeals.

Continuing their efforts and expanding to help and support more countries throughout the year 2019, Merciful Group was able to progress with their ongoing support throughout the world that they even managed to reach Pakistan in 2020. They began with delivering emergency aid and building water wells so our Muslim brothers and sisters can have clean drinking water.

By the will of Allah, Merciful Group is now able to build a minimum of 2 water wells every month throughout Pakistan. In 2020, Merciful Group also started supporting Lebanon with multiple appeals and campaigns and it is by far the biggest campaign assisting with packing and distributing daily hot meal packs, food boxes, supplying medical aid and medications along with taking care of the medical bills for many of our brothers and sisters along with providing Eid clothes, slaughtering and distributing Qurban, and building several orphanages.

By the will of Allah, the Merciful Group Team has grown and is now able to support and aid in Lebanon, Gaza, Yemen, Syrian Refugees in Turkey, Bangladesh, Afghanistan, Sri Lanka and Uganda, Sierra Leone, Indonesia and Pakistan.

We aim to feed and aid the whole world so none of our Muslim brothers and sisters go without.

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$70 each
Food Pack - Option 4

This option includes all items in a food pack + Hygiene pack

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